Financial Aid Services
The objective of the Financial Services Department at Southeastern College is to provide assistance to students who need financial aid in order to pay for tuition expenses at the College. The Financial Services Department has established procedures which assure fair and consistent treatment of all applicants.
Southeastern College uses the “Free Application for Federal Students Aid” to document and collect information for determining the student’s eligibility for financial aid. The information that the student reports on the FASFA is confidential. FASFAs may be obtained at www.FAFSA.ED.GOV
The Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), should be submitted by the end of the first week of the semester the student begins classes in. Students interested in federal funding must complete a FAFSA Form to apply for college financial aid and meet with their respective campus financial aid officer.
TA Funding
- Tuition Assistance funds are a unique, distinct source of financial aid available to eligible Service members, TA is used as a first payer. Southeastern College cannot guarantee Service members eligibility to receive TA funding as those decisions are made between the student and their respective branch of service.
- Active Duty students MUST meet with their respective branch of service to ensure TA funding is available and learn about the application process and responsibility of the student before they enroll in any class. This includes each Military Service’s education portal and Education Service Office (if applicable) for additional information and regulatory requirements.
What is a Cohort Default Rate?
For schools having 30 or more borrowers entering repayment in a fiscal year, the school’s cohort default rate (CDR) is the percentage of a school’s borrowers who enter repayment on certain Federal Family Education Loans (FFELs) and/or William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans (Direct Loans) during that fiscal year and default within the cohort default period.
Southeastern College’s Most Recent CDRs: Cohort Fiscal Year: 2020
Charlotte = 0.0
Columbia = 0.0
Miami Lakes = 0.0
Charleston = 0.0
West Palm Beach = 0.0
For More Information
Please refer to the the Department of Education’s Cohort Default Rate Guide for a more in-depth description of cohort default rates and how the rates are calculated.
Southeastern College maintains a full-time Director of Financial Aid at each campus to help meet your needs. You’re encouraged to make appointments with the Director of Financial Aid to ensure that you obtain the funding needed for your educational investment. Southeastern College has been determined to be an eligible institution by the United States Department of Education to participate in Federal Title IV financial aid programs. Financial Aid is available to those who qualify.
Financial aid is disbursed (released) to students in different ways depending on the type of aid and other factors. For more information about method and frequency of disbursements, contact the Director of Financial Aid office at your campus.
To contact the director of Financial Aid at each campus please call:
Charleston: (843) 747-1279
Charlotte: (704) 527-4979
Columbia: (803) 798-8800
Miami Lakes: (305) 820-5003
Boynton Beach: (561) 433-2330
View Institutional Student Loan of Conduct
Net Price Calculator
Use the Net Price Calculator to calculate the cost of attending Southeastern College (including values for tuition and required fees, books and supplies, room and board, and other related expenses) minus grant and scholarship aid click here.
Click here to use the net price calculator
Active Duty Rates/ Fees
Helpful Links
- Direct Loans -
- Student and Parent Aid Assistance -
For information on graduation rates, student debt levels, and other disclosures, view this page.