Student Services Highlights Southeastern College Miami Lakes Campus

In 2015, Southeastern College’s Miami Lakes campus collected and donated more than 400 nonperishable food items to benefit His House Children’s Home, a private, faith-based non-profit organization dedicated to restoring joy to the lives of children from newborn to 18 years of age. A special thank you to the following programs who donated a majority of the items: Surgical Technology, Diagnostic Medical Sonography and Massage Therapy. Well done!
Employment Assistance
It is the policy of Southeastern College’s Student Services Department to assist students in finding a position when they graduate. Prior to, and after graduation, the placement office will advise the student in career development skills and assist the students in finding employment in their chosen career field. Students are required to provide the college with a current resume and to maintain satisfactory attendance to retain their placement privilege. Although Southeastern College provides employment placement assistance, it cannot promise or guarantee employment.
For more information, please contact your campus student services director:
Charlotte: (704) 527-4979
Columbia: (803) 798-8800
Boynton Beach: (561) 433-2330
The new student orientation program is designed to facilitate the transition to college, to familiarize new students with the organization, staff, and operation of the College, and to assist them in planning their academic schedules. During the orientation, students are introduced to the mission and traditions of the College, rules and regulations, study techniques, academic standards, and counseling. Accordingly, all new and transfer students are encouraged to attend the orientation.
Advisement is available to all students for career and academic reasons. In addition, the College maintains contacts with various community organizations and agencies to help meet students' personal needs.