Accommodation Procedures
A student desiring an academic adjustment/accommodation must submit current documentation as required by the Criteria for Disability Documentation to the campus president. The documentation should state, as determined by an appropriate licensed professional, what reasonable adjustments/accommodations are needed by the student. Academic adjustments/accommodations may be requested by following the review/verification process described below:
1. In addition to the required disability documentation, the following forms should be completed as soon as possible after meeting with the campus president:
A. Disability Registration Agreement
B. Confidentiality Statement
C. Request for Adjustments/Accommodations (including Student Self-Report)
All forms must be signed and submitted to the campus president who will forward the material to the disability services coordinator (DSC).
2. The DSC/ARC engages in an interactive process with the student through the campus president and dean. The campus president and dean, with guidance from the DSC in cooperation with the ARC, will help applicants/students regarding their accommodation application.
3. Within 10 business days of receiving the Request for Adjustments/Accommodations (including Student Self-Report), the DSC and ARC will convene to review the documentation and engage in an interactive process with the applicant student regarding what accommodations/academic adjustments are needed by guiding and speaking to campus presidents and deans to reach a decision. During this interaction, the DSC will conduct a preliminary review of submitted documentation. The DSC may instruct the campus president or dean to review the required documentation with the applicant student due to a lack of current and recent evidence showing the limitations of the applicant student’s disabilities on the academic process. See the resubmission policy below.
Resubmission Procedure
i. Not all accommodations listed by the student and/or healthcare professional will be automatically granted. The DSC will conduct a preliminary review of the submitted documentation.
ii. The DSC may instruct the campus president or dean to review the required documentation with the applicant student due to a lack of complete information or current and recent evidence documenting the limitations of the applicant student’s disabilities on academic learning or skill performance. Requests may be resubmitted to their campus president or dean when they provide the additional documentation.
4. The DSC/ARC may select among equally effective accommodations, adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids and services. The DSC/ARC may also deny a request for accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aides and services if the documentation demonstrates that the request is not necessary, justified or documented. In addition, with the applicant student’s permission, the DSC/ARC may consult the student’s healthcare provider(s), if needed, to reach a decision regarding the accommodation request.
5. The DSC/ARC reserves the right to 1) accept documentation which varies from the criteria established in this guide, but is professionally sound and of high quality, or conversely, may reject documentation viewed as inadequate to support the requested adjustment/accommodation; and, 2) refuse an unreasonable accommodation, adjustment and/or auxiliary aid or services that imposes a fundamental alteration of the program or activity or places an undue burden on the College.
6. If a request is deemed unreasonable or if the application is deferred, the DSC/ARC will communicate with the campus president and dean to explain the reason for deferral or ineligibility within 10 business days of receiving the Request for Adjustment(s)/Accommodation(s) (including Student Self-Report). The student is also free to contact the campus president and dean to set up a meeting with the DSC/ARC in order to work collaboratively towards a reasonable solution.
7. When a qualified student is determined eligible to receive accommodations or adjustments, an Academic Access Letter will be sent to the student, campus president, and dean. It is the zto meet and discuss the approved reasonable accommodations with each instructor of record. Accommodations will not be initiated prior to this meeting.Such adjustments/ accommodations will be documented on the Approved Course Adjustments/Accommodationsform.
8. If a student encounters difficulties with an instructor or other College personnel regarding adjustments/accommodations, the student should bring the difficulties to the attention of the campus president. If the campus president is unable to resolve said difficulties, the disability services coordinator (DSC) and chief academic and accreditation officer, will be brought into the discussion to assist with a resolution.